September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Learn more


No-Shave November originated as an awareness campaign about the challenges faced by cancer patients. No-Shave November goes beyond a facial hair trend; it’s a movement that encourages us to embrace our hair and let it grow because many cancer patients lose their hair through treatment. By skipping the razor for the month of November, participants spread awareness and show solidarity with members of their communities with cancer.

The original pioneers of No-Shave November chose to use the challenge of growing a moustache to raise awareness for prostate cancer. After contacting the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, the funds they had raised were accepted. By the following year, there were 450 participants in Australia, the UK, and Spain.

Today, No-Shave November has travelled globally, raising over $13 million (USD) and sponsoring more than 1,250 men’s health projects so far. The money raised supports men’s health research and organizations that provide funding and aid for men.

Instead of spending on shaving products or grooming sessions, participants are encouraged to donate that saved money to cancer research, education, and prevention. The funds raised through No-Shave November go a long way in aiding research, supporting patients and their families, and raising awareness about the different facets of the disease.

How to participate in No-Shave November

This month specifically raises awareness of prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health issues. Statistically, men have fewer support systems than women regarding physical and mental health. No-Shave November aims to change that and continue providing men with the resources they need to navigate their diagnosis and improve their health. Here’s how you can participate and support this cause:

  • Grow a moustache and share your progress on social media to raise awareness
  • Donate money to a cause related to men’s health
  • Get an annual exam by your primary care provider
  • Talk to your doctor about screening for prostate cancer and testicular cancer
  • Share facts and statistics about prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s mental health with your family and friends and through social media
  • Do a month-long challenge of eating healthy and exercising daily

Learn more about prostate cancer and non-cancer prostate conditions

One of the best ways to raise your awareness of prostate cancer and men’s health is to equip yourself with knowledge and facts supported by medical research. As the diplomat Kofi Annan wisely says, “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”
We encourage you to read the following resources and learn more about the prostate, prostate cancer, and non-cancer prostate conditions:

General prostate information:

Tips on maintaining a healthy prostate:

Screening and treatments:

Support for men:

Participating in No-Shave November can help spread awareness, bring in donations and provide critical support for men’s health. It’s an easy and fun way to get involved in a cause that needs more attention. Interested in learning more about TULSA? Take a look at our patient testimonials.

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Nov 1, 2023 | TULSA Procedure

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