Clinical Publications

Through research, innovation, and development, we’re elevating the standard of care through quality clinical evidence in partnership with clinicians, physicians, hospitals, and professional associations. Our clinical publications emphasize our ongoing commitment to improving procedure efficiency, and saving lives.

Journal of urology 1

Pivotal trial of MRI-Guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation (TULSA) of localized prostate cancer: 4-Year follow-up

Pavlovich et al, AUA 2023 Annual Meeting (abstract MP73-05), The Journal of Urology (2023)

This study aimed to externally validate a previously developed risk score for predicting treatment failure after salvage focal therapy in prostate cancer patients.

Open publication
Journal of endourology 1

Magnetic resonance imaging-guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation of prostate cancer: A systematic review

Dora et al, Journal of Endourology (2022)

This study determined TULSA is a safe and effective method for prostate tissue ablation in men with primary prostate cancer and has also been shown to provide significant relief from urinary symptoms while treating PCa in a single, low-morbidity procedure.

Open publication