Share your story

Share your TULSA-PRO story and help educate, empower, and support other men going through a similar experience.

If you have had the TULSA Procedure and would like to share the details about your experience, please complete the “Patient Information” section and answer any or all of the below prompts.

Please provide a valid location and select your location from recommendations.
How did you feel when you were diagnosed? How did your diagnosis limit/affect your daily life?
How did you find out about TULSA and why did you decide to move forward in getting the TULSA Procedure? What about the TULSA Procedure appealed to you most? Why did you decide to get the TULSA Procedure at your chosen center?
Tell us about your experience with the care team? How did the limited time spent in the hospital impact your treatment experience? What has been the most difficult part of your journey?
Have you been able to return to daily activities? What would you say to other patients who may be considering the TULSA Procedure? What does the future of your disease look like?
Our team will reach out to you if you are interested in sharing more about your experience. With area code please
By providing my contact information, I understand that a Profound Employee may contact me to follow up on the testimonial I have written.*
I understand that my testimonial may be edited for grammar and clarity but that I will have the opportunity to review the finalized wording before it is published.*
Disclaimer: once you click the submit button, you give Profound Medical permission to contact you
Standard Terms & Conditions: Stories provided to us will be featured in our publications or on our website through written, audio, video and pictorial forms. After filling out the below form, you will be contacted by a member of the Profound Medical team to give a more in-depth testimonial and you may be required to give a recorded audio or video interview as well. It is the policy of Profound Medical to keep all stories anonymous as to protect the identities of patients. We edit solely for grammar and clarity as to not compromise the integrity of any featured testimonial. This form does not encrypt your message and it is not an appropriate means of communicating confidential or personal information such as account numbers or insurance. This is not a form to request medical advice. In these Standard Terms and Conditions, “Your Story” shall mean any audio, video, text, images, or other material you provide or display when submitting a testimonial to Profound Medical, Inc. Your Story must be of your own experiences with the healthcare professionals, facility, treatment teams and any organization involved in providing you with the TULSA Procedure. Profound Medical, Inc. reserves the right to remove Your Story at any time, without notice. Profound Medical, Inc. will never sell or disclose your personal information to third parties.