The Union for International Cancer Control recognizes February 4th as World Cancer Day, a day that was founded on February 4th, 2000, during the World Summit Against Cancer event in Paris.

The purpose of World Cancer Day is to spread global awareness for cancer through educational resources and events across the world, such as live virtual conferences, panels, discussions, and free cancer screening tests. Through a collective effort, we can change the future of cancer and save lives by improving how we prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. Around the world, researchers, medical professionals, citizens, cancer patients, and the public are using this day to get their voice heard on making cancer care a priority.

At Profound Medical, we want to take this opportunity to educate our readers on how you can participate in World Cancer Day and how to lower your risk of developing cancer.

How to participate in World Cancer Day

Most people are affected by cancer in some way – either through a personal diagnosis or through the diagnosis of a loved one. Cancer impacts everyone, including children as young as a few months old.

We can do many things on this day and throughout the year to support those who have been diagnosed with this disease and commemorate those who have lost their lives to cancer. Here are a few ways you can observe World Cancer Day:

  • Volunteer your time or donate money to an organization that supports cancer patients or cancer research.
  • Read the stories of cancer survivors and share them across your social media platforms.
  • Research and read about cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • Wear a colored ribbon of your choice to spread cancer awareness.
  • Share your story if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer or have been impacted by cancer through a close friend or family member.

Profound’s Prostate Cancer Awareness

Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in North America, including breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. It is also the second leading cause of death in American men behind lung cancer.

As part of our commitment to spreading prostate cancer awareness and education today and year-round, we continue to provide our readers with accurate and valuable resources, including:

Tips on maintaining a healthy prostate:

How Cruciferous Vegetables Can Help Protect Your Prostate

Holistic Therapy To Maintain A Healthy Prostate

Prostate Health: Exercise Tips For Men

Prostate Health: A Guide To Performing Kegel Exercises For Men

Screening and treatments:

BPH: How Tulsa Appears To Be A Safe And Effective Option

Prostate Health: The Importance of Getting Screened

Support for men:

Prostate Cancer: The Role A Patient’s Family Member Plays

Talking To Your Partner About His Prostate Health

Prostate Cancer In Black Men

Additionally, we encourage you to read about some of the common conditions related to the prostate, including:

Prostate Cancer
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Radio-recurrent Prostate Cancer

Reducing your risk of developing cancer

While some cancers are preconditioned due to genetics, health factors, and the environment, some can be prevented. You can reduce your risk of developing cancer by:

  • Exercising regularly for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, and lean protein.
  • Limit consumption of processed foods.
  • Avoid or completely stop using tobacco.
  • Using good sun protection, including daily use of SPF sunscreen, sunglasses, headwear, and being mindful of exposure.
  • Talk to your doctor about your risks for certain cancers and schedule routine medical screenings.

Visit the official website of World Cancer Day to learn more about the activities happening around the globe, what you can do to take action, and how we can create a cancer-free world together.


Feb 4, 2022 | TULSA Procedure